A struggle to survive -- and win! Your enemies are no slouches. You
will find new meaning to the word 'challenge' as you compete against
real human opponents -- there is no limit to the number of network
players! The Internet server will help you find willing, worthy
opponents. And if you can't find a live opponent, the computer is no
slouch either! The advanced artificial intelligence (AI) in Enemy
Nations can leave you decimated and scratching your head as to why.
"Unpredictable" is a comment we've heard repeated often by those who
have made the attempt...and lived to tell about it! Enemy Nations
offers a playing field that is unmatched in the genre -- a full
isometric map with detailed terrain, vehicles, and buildings. View
the playfield from four different directions and four different zoom
levels -- the incredibly high-resolution detail will let you keep an
eye on your troops, supplies, and camps, and simultaneously see the
approaching enemy out of the corner of your eye. The map grows as
players are added, and wraps completely to give you more offensive
and defensive options. Full-screen, full color!